Home / Benefits of Art

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."-Pablo Picasso

Children naturally love art. They are very comfortable expressing their feelings or emotions through drawing and painting than words. In the earlier days, arts and learning artworks didn’t occupy a very important place when compared to enrolling for activities like sports, singing, dancing etc. Now, the trends have changed.  People have learned that learning creative arts helps build kids brains.

Research shows that the human brain has two parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left brain performs tasks that have to do with logic, such as learning science and mathematics. On the other hand, the right brain performs tasks that have to do with emotion, such as creativity, imagination, perception and intuition. Recent studies have shown that learning art is very effective in the development of the right brain. The learning and thinking process is enhanced when both sides of the brain participate in a balanced manner.

Source: BrainMadeSimple

Benefits of Art for Kids

The biggest advantage is that art can express things that are not expressible verbally”- Dr. Sarah Deaver, the President of the American Art Therapy 

  • Scribbling is a Precursor to Writing
  • Promotes Creativity
  • Encourages Neural Connections
  • Helps Develop Patience and Perfection
  • Imparts Hard work and Perseverance
  • Improves Concentration and Focus
  • Increases Self-Confidence and Self-Control
  • Provides a Feeling of Accomplishment
  • Helps Kids to Connect with OneSelf and the World
  • Supports Kids to Channelize Their Energy
  • Assists Kids to Understand Themselves and Their World

Source: ArtFulParent

The Importance of Art in Child Development

  • Art is essential to the growth of fine motor skills
  • Provides opportunities to learn words for colors, shapes and actions
  • Strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinking skills
  • Develops visual-spatial skills, which are more important than ever
  • Develops a sense of innovation which is important in their adult lives
  • Art Improved Academic Performance: A report by Americans for the Arts shares that young people who engage in learning any form of art (for at least three hours a day, for three days every week in a year) are four times more likely to be recognised for their academic achievements.

Source: PBS

Benefits of Art for Everyone

  • Creating Art helps Relieve Stress
  • Encourages Creative Thinking
  • Boosts Self-Esteem and Provides a Sense of Accomplishment
  • Increases Brain Connectivity and Plasticity
  • Increases Empathy, Tolerance, and Feelings of Love
  • Improves Quality of Life for Dementia Patients
  • Eases the Burden of Chronic Health Conditions

Source: BeBrainFit

Buy Materials From Us

Mixed Media Beginners - $55

  • Twistable colour set 25 pcs with case
  • Gouache paint set 12 pc x 12ml
  • A4 sketch pad 150 gsm 25 sheets
  • Paint Brush Set x 7 pcs

Mixed Media Intermediate - $72

  • Twistable colour set 25 pcs with case
  • Watercolour paint set 24 pc x 12ml
  • A3 sketch pad 150 gsm 25 sheets
  • A3 Display book 20 sheets

Watercolour set - $70

  • Watercolour paint set 24 pc x 12ml
  •  10 pc watercolour brush set in wallet
  • A3 Watercolour pad 300 gsm 12 sheets
  • A3 Display book 20 sheets

Acrylic paint set - $75 (canvas pad)

  •  Acrylic paint set 18 pc x 36ml
  • 11 pc acrylic brush set in wallet
  •  A3 canvas pad 180 gsm 10 sheets
  •  A3 Display book 20 sheets
  • 1 pc black sharpie fine point

Acrylic paint set - $80 (canvas board)

  •  Acrylic paint set 18 pc x 36ml
  •  2pcs canvas boards 30x40 cm
  •  11 pc acrylic brush set
  •  1 pc black sharpie fine point
  • Varnish bottle

Coloured pencil set - $50

  • Ultra soft watercolour pencil set 18 pc
  • A3 sketch pad 150 gsm 25 sheets
  • A3 Display book 20 sheets
  • 1 pc black sharpie thin point

Pencil sketch set - $ 30

  • Graphite Pencil set 12 pcs (H-8B)
  • Drawing Blenders Set 7 pcs
  • A4 sketch pad 150 gsm 25 sheets
  • Varnish spray to coat (bring your own)

Soft Pastel set (Beginners) - $ 25

  • Half soft pastel set 12 pc
  • A4 sketch pad 150 gsm 25 sheets
  • A4 Display book 20 sheets